Carta a D. Josep Antoni Durán i Lleida
Si, personalmente, pongo yo ese límite en medio millón de euros (pero subrayo que eso es opción mía y que la cifra debería venir dictada por el consenso de los moralistas y por el magisterio de la Iglesia tan atento a colar el mosquito del preservativo ... Carta a D. Josep Antoni Durán i Lleida
UN team briefed on flood devastation in Sindh
He said that in addition to the food items, 14322 tents, 5000 plastic mats, 11000 mosquito nets and 100 jerry cans worth a total of Rs11.443 billion had also been supplied to all the affected districts. Besides, he added, the relief department had ... UN team briefed on flood devastation in Sindh
Instituciones gubernamentales participarán en jornada "Todos contra el Dengue"
La jornada tiene como objetivo eliminar los criaderos del mosquito Aedes aegypti, limpiar y fumigar los terrenos baldíos, además de la recolección de chatarras y otros enseres. El Ministerio de Salud ha reportado más 400 casos de dengue clásico y unas ... Instituciones gubernamentales participarán en jornada "Todos contra el Dengue"
Whole-parasite Malaria Vaccine Shows Promise
"No vaccine has completely protected against malaria in a challenge trial, in which vaccinated volunteers are subjected to the bite of an infected mosquito to measure their immunity," says Dr. Lyke. "This vaccine showed strong promise. ... Whole-parasite Malaria Vaccine Shows Promise
New Malaria Vaccine Passes Safety Test
Those modified proteins are designed to trigger an immune response to Plasmodium, after it's passed into the host's bloodstream by the bite of an infected mosquito. In contrast, says researcher Robert A. Seder of the US National Institute of Allergy ... New Malaria Vaccine Passes Safety Test
Pearl Jam @ Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, Wisconsin, 3/4 settembre
Metro area digest
Initial Trial of Sanaria's Malaria Vaccine Yields Positive Results
UN Troops Accused of Exploiting Local Women in Haiti
West Nile test positive
Continúa Salud Municipal campaña contra el dengue
Adhocism kills all hopes
Mosquitoes a problem after Irene; Dare County to spray Thursday
Spreading the Word
Arroyo "El Rey" contaminado
Dengue fever patients: OPDs open round the clock
Duval Confirms 2 More West Nile Cases
Three more dengue cases in capital, total affected reaches 92
Democratic Republic of the Congo: over 70 children rejoin their families
Mato Grosso registra redução de 28% de casos de malária
Malária: municípios da Amazônia Legal vão receber 1,1 milhão de mosquiteiros ...
Public policy leadership
Festival de variedades con humoristas
Risco de epidemia no Rio de Janeiro preocupa especialistas em relação as ...
En plena lluvia de lesiones, los favoritos cumplen su papel en el US Open
Orissa: Tata Steel distributes relief to 420 family in Ganjam district
South county woman has Butte's first West Nile case
Sob a simplicidade da contação de histórias, atriz relê fábulas milenares
Mosquito A Bashers take provincial championship
Se filtró el email que le escribió Boudou a su novia
The thrill is gone
Precautions Could Prevent Spread Of West Nile Virus
Five die from JE in 45 days
Comunidad y autoridades se unen contra el dengue
Comienzan los partidos de la segunda ronda del US Open 2011
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